Digital Wallpaper Download: June 2016

Digital Wallpaper Download: June 2016

Can you believe that June is upon us already? My kids are going stir-crazy, with only a couple weeks of school left... oh, the joys of childhood summertime! To be that carefree again.

I came across an unattributed quote a while ago, and it has just stuck with me. I think it's a wonderful statement to see on a regular basis: "No one else is you. And that is your power." So this is our message for this month's wallpaper – I hope each of you find a bit of inspiration when you pick up your phone or see your computer desktop, that reminds you that you ARE an amazing person, without striving or even trying, simply because there is only ONE of you!

I may not know you, but I believe in you. 

OK, so download your own digital wallpaper, just click any of the following links, according to your screen size, and a new window will open, for you to right-click on the image and download it.

– Pam











iPad (lock screen) / iPad background wallpaper (home screen) *

iPhone 5

iPhone 6 

iPhone 6 Plus


* BONUS IMAGE for your iPad – so you can unlock/open your iPad with the regular image (for your lock screen), and have a similar image that works better as a general background wallpaper (your home screen)! Yes, I am that nerdy, and yes, it totally makes me happy. :)


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