The Conscious Living Blog

our cause, part 1

I am so excited to announce today that Zoe Organics has begun our giving program!

From the very first business plan I wrote for Zoe Organics, giving back was a key component to what Zoe Organics was about. Our cause is a special one to us because it covers a lot of issues that are close to our hearts.

This morning, I posted a more formal description of our cause and how it works on our website, but I’m thankful to have another space to talk more candidly about the topic and share some additional resources. I call this post “our cause, part 1″ because there is so much depth to this topic; so much to share. Today I am going to just give you an overview.

As my passion for motherhood led to the creation of our two safe, eco-conscious lines of skin care (pregnancy line coming this fall!), so did my passion for pregnancy and child birth lead me to become a doula. I had the pleasure and privilege of being an intern and then working with the extraordinary midwives and staff at South Coast Midwifery & Women’s Health Care in Irvine, California. The beauty and miracle of pregnancy and birth will never be anything short of breathtaking to me. I still cry at every birth I attend.

Unfortunately, the heart-breaking statistics tell us that EVERY MINUTE a woman dies, somewhere in this world, giving birth. What’s worse? Most of these deaths could be prevented and the tragic effects that follow the loss of a mother are truly devastating to a family and community.

Most of these deaths occur in developing countries and are a result of factors, including little to no:
*ability to pay for medical care
*skilled medical providers
*equipment and supplies
*access to services in nearby vicinity or mode of transportation to get medical care quickly
*access to emergency obstetric care
*education and resources for family planning

In 2000, 189 countries committed to ending extreme poverty through 8 Millenium Development Goals. MDG-5 , to improve maternal health, set a target of decreasing maternal morbidity by three-fourths by 2015. Unfortunately, MDG-5 has attained the least improvement of the 8 goals.

Zoe Organics is partnering with the White Ribbon Alliance, an international coalition bound together by a common goal: to ensure that pregnancy and childbirth are safe for all women and newborns in every country around the world. Zoe Organics will give ten percent (10%) of all purchases made on our website to their efforts of raising awareness and promoting safe motherhood.

In 2009, my dear sister-in-law, Suzanne, passed away, only 3 months after giving birth to her sweet daughter, Zoe. Suzanne had a rare disease that tragically, and unexpectedly, took her life. Suzanne was also a skilled dentist with a beautiful office in Saragota and very active in her community. The void left by Suzanne’s death was felt by everyone from her infant and husband to the entire community she touched.

Sadly, Suzanne’s death is not one that could have been prevented, but I share the story, because I am so acutely aware of how precious each mother’s life is. It grieves me to know that women are dying every minute whose death should and can be prevented.

In the coming days and months, I will be posting resources and ways that you can get involved in this cause. I really believe that we can help raise awareness and pull together our resources to create change.

Your feedback and creative ideas for ways we can continue to support this cause are welcome!

With love…

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