Why You Need Refresh Oil

Why You Need Refresh Oil

Zoe Organics Refresh Oil is one of the products in our collection that is lesser known than some of our other hero products. However, it packs a powerful punch and comes in handy more than you’d think. In fact, this might be the little roller bottle that you never knew you needed! In this post, we aim to bring some clarity to this special oil, so that next time you need it, it will be right there in your purse, pocket or cabinet.


What is Refresh Oil?

Refresh Oil is an aromatherapy oil designed to refresh, awaken senses and help to counteract nausea and stomach upset. Originally created for our pregnancy collection, it has become a beloved family staple. The blend of quality organic essential oils, is diluted in organic jojoba oil and packaged in a glass roller bottle that can be conveniently applied and kept close by.


Zoe Organics Refresh Oil 


How does it work?

Our blend of essential oils includes lime, peppermint, ginger and spearmint. As you read through the properties of these oils, you will see why we chose them. Here are their primary properties: uplifting, stimulating, immune system and digestion support, and help relieving nausea and upset.  

Here are some facts about these oils:

Lime: A refreshing citrus oil that has an uplifting aroma and supports the immune system. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and supports digestion. (We use distilled lime essential oil, which is not phototoxic.)

Peppermint: This plant at its aroma are known for their ability to counteract nausea and vomiting and soothe upset tummies. It is known to increase circulation, has anti-inflammatory properties and works as a decongestant. Only a very small amount of this oil is needed to be effective and we use it in a 0.95% concentration in this formula.

Ginger: Supports the immune system and is commonly used to support digestion and relieve gas, nausea and vomiting. It can increase circulation and support the respiratory system, but helping to remove excess mucus.

Spearmint: Increases circulation, supports digestion and has an uplifting, stimulating aroma that is energizing and uplifting.


Zoe Organics Refresh Oil


How do I use it?

Refresh Oil can be used a few different ways, but the most straightforward use is to roll it on the pulse points (temples, neck and wrist). A light massage with the oil on the temples or neck can be a therapeutic little ritual or pick-me-up.

We also like to roll it on the palms, cup our hands around our nose and breathe a few slow, deep breaths. For young children, you can apply the oil to an adults hands and allow them to breath in the aromatherapy blend.

For adults and children, a gentle massage with the refresh oil on the stomach can be beneficial during upset or nausea. Simply apply the oil directly to the abdomen and gently rub the oil in a circular motion.

It is recommended to use caution with peppermint and spearmint essentials oils with young children because of the high menthol content. The combination of these oils is used at 0.45% dilution in this product. For use with young children begin by allowing them to smell the aroma of the oil rather than applying directly on their skin, particularly on our near the face.

As with all of our products, this one is a muti-tasker. The benefits of the essential oils make it a daily favorite.

Here are some of the ways our family and our customers use it:

  • Travel companion for motion sickness, nausea or stuffy, smelly enclosed spaces (planes, trains and automobiles)
  • Morning sickness and nausea
  • A pick-me-up for a tired mama or caregiver
  • A labor oil to stay alert and combat fatigue and nausea
  • A pick-me-up for C-section births
  • Tummy aches
  • For use before a test or to help with concentration
  • A refreshing perfume oil


Zoe Organics Refresh Oil


What are other people saying?

“A few weeks ago, my 5 year old daughter got a little stomach bug. I remember Heather telling me about a little trick that she would use on her kids, and boy does it work! Every time Emma would complain about her tummy hurting, I would grab our Refresh Oil and apply it in a circular motion on her stomach, and within minutes she would calm down and her stomach ache would subside a little bit! It was just enough to give her some relief.” – Lee W.

"As some who struggles with anxiety, I use this daily to keep my calm. Love breathing in all its goodness :)" – Teresa D.

"This oil never left my side during my first trimester. I often felt sick all day long, and rubbing this oil on my wrists/hands and smelling it when I got particularly queasy was really helpful. Even now that I am not as sick, the scent has become comforting so I still apply it daily. It is small but mighty. Couldn't have lived without it in those first few months!" – Jenn (review from follain.com)

"At first I thought this was only a pregnancy essential oil, but the girls in the store explained that it can be used for motion sickness too. Now I keep it in my handbag and apply it whenever I am feeling nauseous while traveling, which is often. It is like a breath of fresh air on planes, trains, and in the car. Love this oil!" – Kathryn (review from follain.com)

"This smells sooooo good of lime, ginger & spearmint – it's not strong and overpowering – it's very light and refreshing. I love using it as a natural perfume but it is also wonderful on pulse points when feeling sick, car sick, headache coming on, etc. It is so great to keep in my purse, it's small and easy to use with the roller ball. It is also nice to roll all over palms of my hands, rub together and take deep breaths if I'm feeling really run-down and tired. It's such a great price too – makes a great gift to for anyone who travels a lot or pregnant friends." – Carol H. (review from integritybotanicals.com)

"I love this product! It has a light, delicate scent that is very appealing. I use it multiple times a day." – Karyn M. (review from clementinefields.ca)

Comments on this post (1)

  • Jul 16, 2019

    I use refresh oil on big bits!

    — Jennifer Ramos

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