protect your family from toxins

I have spent the past two days pulling together resources to help educate our community on the dangers of toxins in our homes and our personal care products. Rather than just taking my word for it, I thought I would point you in the direction of some really great organizations who are making a big impact in helping to educate and promote change! Here is a list of my favorites:

Healthy Child, Healthy World

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families

Kid-Safe Chemicals Act

The Daily Green – I particularly enjoy reading this blog: Ask an Organic Mom

These organizations are packed with useful information and include ways for you to get involved and make a difference in your home, community, and world! I know you have many “to do” items to check off your list today, but I promise you will take away some valuable information from these sources.

We must make informed decisions about what we put in and on our bodies. Our children can’t make these decisions for themselves. We have been entrusted with their care and the responsibility lies in our hands to protect them.

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