Northern California Fires

Northern California Fires

Due to the fires in Napa County, our production facility is currently closed, and we will be closed for the remainder of the week. We will respond to emails, phone calls and messages as quickly as possible, but there may be some delay in response time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to check on us, and on Heather specifically – here's what she says:

Thank you for the texts, calls and messages! Our family and employees are safe and so far, St. Helena and Angwin are still safe from the fire. We have experienced extended power outages, which have made it very difficult to get messages and phone calls. We have decided to leave Napa County to get away from the heavy smoke and harm's way as the fires are still surrounding our town. We are heartbroken for those who have been directly affected by the fires. We are so thankful for the firefighters and direct responders for working night and day and putting their lives on the line for us.

An important note for North Bay neighbors:

If you live anywhere near the fires decimating the North Bay Area counties, please be aware that wild animals are fleeing the fires and they may show up in your yards. The Forestry Department is urging you to bring your domestic animals in at night and let the wild ones pass through. Please put out buckets of water for them – they are scared, exhausted, and have also lost their homes – they need to refuel. 

Thanks for your patience and your support, friends! We will continue to keep you updated if anything changes.

Zoe Organics is Closed

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