zoe organics baby bath tea

Baby Bath TeaOne of our products I am most excited about is the Organic Baby Bath Tea. I wanted to include an alternative to soap in the product line, especially suited for newborns. This ultra gentle cleansing and moisturizing bath tea is the perfect solution.

The simple, elegant unbleached muslin tea bag is filled with organic oatmeal, organic lavender and calendula flowers, cocoa butter and lavender essential oil.

Infants have such delicate skin, and even gentle commercial soaps, when used frequently, can be irritating. Most babies don't need to be bathed every day, and when they are bathed, don't require being sudsed up from head to toe with a perfumed bath gel which contains artificial and potentially toxic ingredients. What I love about this bath tea is that the natural ingredients cleanse, soothe, moisturize and calm baby. This bath tea is perfectly suited for the newborn and can be enjoyed by young children (and mommy as well).

I recently discovered a rash on my infant's scalp and forehead after wearing a hat on a warm day at the park. He has that pale, almost transparent delicate skin. I was unsure, but it appeared to be heat rash. On the second day it hadn't improved, so I decided to experiment. I happened to be working on this bath tea at the time, so I put him in the bath with one of these tea bags and specifically rubbed the tea bag on his scalp and forehead. The next morning, the rash was barely visible. Thus, I became a mommy fan of these bath teas!

Oatmeal, lavender and calendula all have cleansing (anti-bacterial) properties. They also work as anti-inflammatories, soothing ezcema, burns, sunburn, bites, diaper rash, and other skin irritations and allergies. Oatmeal has healthy lubricating fats that moisturize. Natural cocoa butter is a luxurious moisturizer that will leave baby's skin silky soft.

If you want to try a Zoe Organics bath tea for your own little one, send me an email, heather@zoe-organics.com, and I'll send you a sample!

Comments on this post (1)

  • Apr 27, 2014

    I would love to try this How do I get hold of this product for my daughter

    — noel

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