The Conscious Living Blog

A Kid's Guide: Fall Skincare

A Kid's Guide: Fall Skincare
School is back in session along with our favorite Fall activities. Viruses, chapped lips, dry skin and eczema flare-ups are some of the issues that also come with the season. Some of the ways we can counter this season is with warmth, moisture, exfoliation, and slower, more deliberate routines. We can focus on seasonal nourishing foods and getting more sleep and rest. In our Kids’ Edition of Transitioning to Fall Skincare, we are sharing our skincare and wellness tips for the kiddos and recommending effective products. Continue reading

Summer Skincare: Our Review of Sunscreens, After-Sun Care & More!

Summer Skincare: Our Review of Sunscreens, After-Sun Care & More!

Summer Skincare

Our definitive summer skincare guide is here! Find out our list of personally tested, non-toxic, regular go-to sunscreen recommendations – for faces, sensitive skin and the whole family, as well as the best after-sun care products.

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Of course, the products are amazing, too. Their Baby Bath Tea caught my eye as something I’d never seen. I tried the tea when my daughter had a horrific diaper rash and it did what it claimed: provided a gentle soak, full of oatmeal, lavender, and other natural anti-inflammatory ingredients that calmed and cleaned. Read more... 

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Eat. Sleep. Beauty. Reviews

Organic Baby Balm: Its no secret that I like,….ok, thats putting it mildly, I LOVE balms. The only thing better then a balm, is balm in a stick,….best…invention…EVER! I love balms in a stick. It just takes all the wonderfulness that is balm, and kicks it up a notch, and makes it spectacular.

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Cool Mom Picks – Review

I don't get to take a bath in my Jacuzzi tub very often, mainly because it's full of tiny little teacups and saucers and one random pink pig who, I'm told, likes hot chocolate and cake. My kids have pretty much taken over the tub that made me want to buy the house in the first place.

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