The Conscious Living Blog

7 Amazing Functions of our Skin

7 Amazing Functions of our Skin

Our skin is truly one of the most amazing organs! We so often put the emphasis on its appearance (color, tone, whether its free from blemishes, etc.), and while those things can certainly be important, they aren't necessarily indicators of whether or not the skin is healthy. We should also look at the functions of our skin as a whole to understand more fully how much it does for us AND how to best take care of it.

Let's review some facts about our skin. It is our largest organ, made up of 3 main layers; the epidermis (top, outer layer), dermis (deeper layer) and hypodermis (subcutaneous tissues). Your skin makes up approximately 10-15% of your body weight! Here are seven primary functions of the skin: 

  • Container: it literally holds our body's contents together, guarding muscles, bones, joints and internal organs.
  • Waterproofing: skin protects the living cells inside our bodies from losing moisture, and the lipids (oils) in our skin provide a barrier protecting our skin on the outside.  
  • Body temperature regulation: this is done through sweat glands and blood vessel dilation or constriction.
  • Warning of pain or injury: nerve endings present in the dermis alert us of things that could cause injury; such as a hot or sharp objects.
  • Protection from infection: bacterial colonies or microbiome on the skin create part of our immune system.
  • Protection from UV radiation: by the creation of pigment melanin.
  • Recognizing foreign bodies: langerhans cells are the first (outermost) line of defense for the cutaneous immune defense. These cells can attach to foreign materials and bring them down to the lymph glands where they can be processed and eliminated. 

The more we study the skin, the more in awe we are of how intricate it is and how much a healthy functioning skin does for our bodies. When our skin is compromised, it cannot function correctly and this can result in discomfort or even injury. We can see how seemingly simple things like dryness, chapped or cracked skin can disrupt the ability of the skin to function correctly. 

When choosing products for your skin, it's important to select things that work with it as it protects and repairs itself. At Zoe Organics, we provide a variety of topical formulas that do just that. Our organic balms, butters, oils and herbs provide nutrients from nature that support its immune function without delivering stressors from toxins. How are you caring for and supporting your amazing skin? 


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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Daylight savings time ends on November 5th this year and as clocks fall back an hour, the amount of daylight will be noticeably shorter. Colder weather, holidays and work/school changes can all contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder. Since this disorder affects millions of people each year (about 5% of adults in the U.S.) and is much more prevalent in women, we want to open up this topic here on the blog.  Continue reading

In Loving Memory of Dr. Shannon

In Loving Memory of Dr. Shannon
From Pediatrician, to friend, to business partner; Dr. Shannons was one of my very favorite humans. The impact he had on my life is significant and the lessons I learned from him will be with me forever. I know I'm not the only one. Those who had the privilege of having him as their pediatrician or of knowing him personally experienced his warm, loving nature. He had a way of making everyone feel special and his passing leaves a terrible void. Continue reading

Healthy Skin Swaps: Breathe Balm

Healthy Skin Swaps: Breathe Balm

 A staple in every parent's medicine cabinet, especially during the Fall and Winter seasons, is some sort of cough and cold chest rub. In my house growing up, it was always Vicks VapoRub. I can smell it now! Can you? While this product seems to work well, we want to tell you why you should reach for something more natural, like our organic Breathe Balm.  

Let’s start with the ingredients:

Vicks Vapo Rub Zoe Organics Breathe Balm ingredients

It’s pretty clear that Vicks VapoRub contains questionable ingredients, some synthetic and none that are organic. Many people assume that since this product is an OTC (over-the-counter) medication, it is completely safe. However, according to, “It contains a poisonous ingredient: Vicks VapoRub is made of camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol. Camphor is poisonous when swallowed and can cause seizures, coma, or death. 8 This is true even for small amounts. It may also cause harm when too much is inhaled or absorbed through the skin.” 

It is also important to note that children under the age of 2 should not use this product at all! Dr. Bruce Rubin of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, said the ingredients in Vicks can be irritants, causing the body to produce more mucus to protect the airway. And since infants and young children have airways that are much narrower than those of an adult, any increase in mucus or swelling can narrow them severely.” (source) Don’t you want a product that you can feel safe having in your home?

Our Breathe Balm is made with only USDA certified organic ingredients. It does not contain any water, fillers, preservatives or synthetics. Hallelujah! You can feel good about applying this product on yourself and everyone in your family. 

Let’s talk about our aromatherapy blend. Organic essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and cedar provide gentle and effective aromatherapy, to calm and support rest when feeling under the weather. We use a safe percentage of essential oils in our formula and the stick balm formula also provides a slow release of the essential oils that primarily sit on top of the skin. We don’t recommend using this product directly on babies 3 months or younger but we do love to let our caretakers know that they can apply this product on their neck and chest and safely cuddle their little one so he or she can benefit from this aromatherapy blend.

Another reason you should make the swap from Vicks VapoRub to our Breathe Balm? Our mess-free, travel friendly tube! We receive countless messages from our customers letting us know how much they love the chapstick size tube and how their child feels so proud to be able to apply it themselves. No more messy, sticky fingers and balm all over the place!

So what do you think? Will you make the switch?

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A Kid's Guide: Fall Skincare

A Kid's Guide: Fall Skincare
School is back in session along with our favorite Fall activities. Viruses, chapped lips, dry skin and eczema flare-ups are some of the issues that also come with the season. Some of the ways we can counter this season is with warmth, moisture, exfoliation, and slower, more deliberate routines. We can focus on seasonal nourishing foods and getting more sleep and rest. In our Kids’ Edition of Transitioning to Fall Skincare, we are sharing our skincare and wellness tips for the kiddos and recommending effective products. Continue reading

5 Top Uses For Our Hero Product: Diaper Balm

5 Top Uses For Our Hero Product: Diaper Balm
There is a reason Zoe Organics Diaper Balm is our best seller and gets so many rave reviews from our customers. It is one of the very first products Heather formulated for her boys and launched with our baby collection in 2010, and the process and integrity of the ingredients has remained untouched even as batches have scaled. Continue reading

Healthy Skin Swaps: Everything Balm

Healthy Skin Swaps: Everything Balm

Lip balm is one of those staples we’d want to have with us on that desert island. There is nothing like having dry or chapped lips and rummaging through your purse or bag only to find you don’t have any. 

Lip balm options have changed a lot over the years. While Chapstick, Carmex and Lip Smackers used to be the go-tos, thankfully, there are a plethora of better-for-you options available. If you are still tied to your trusty ‘ol Chapstick, we are going to shine a light on why we think it’s time to ditch the questionable ingredients and opt for healthier ones. 

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Recipe: Nourishing Minestrone Soup

Recipe: Nourishing Minestrone Soup

Winter is a season for nourishing body and soul. We crave the warmth and comfort of our favorite foods and a big pot of hearty soup is both easy and satiating for grown-ups and kids alike.

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The Perfect Skincare Routine for Babies

The Perfect Skincare Routine for Babies

Yes, there is, in fact, a perfect skincare routine for babies! It involves truly organic skincare products and lots of love.

After years of doing this "routine" with our own kids, we thought we should share it with you too! Enjoy!

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How Often Should I Bathe My Child?

How Often Should I Bathe My Child?

It depends!

Babies and young children have thinner, more delicate skin and don’t need to be scrubbed down with soap every day. The most important areas to keep clean are hands, faces, diaper area and folds of their skin. Much of this can be done without a full bath, so generally 2-3 times per week is sufficient. 

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